Mini Facelift Bluffton

The mini facelift, often referred to as a short-scar facelift, is a less invasive facelift technique which avoids the most obvious scars behind the ear that accompany a traditional full facelift. Over time and with age, there is often a loss of skin elasticity and firmness in the face which may be accompanied by sagging skin and wrinkles. The mini facelift is particularly effective in treating the signs of aging in the mid-face or cheek area, including the jowls, for a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Patients with significant excess skin may be better candidates for a full facelift.

The mini facelift is a shorter and less extensive surgery than the traditional full facelift. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia and sedation and takes about one to two hours to complete. The incision is smaller and limited to the hairline and in front of the ear. There is no obvious incision made behind the ear. Working through the incision, the underlying tissues and muscles are repositioned and tightened and excess sagging skin is removed.

The mini facelift involves a recovery period of about seven to ten days. Patients may experience some degree of bruising, swelling, discomfort and numbness, however, these side effects are typically less extensive and shorter lived than after a full facelift. The results are very natural and many patients appreciate that the mini facelift avoids an obvious or pulled look that can occur with the full facelift.

The mini facelift is a very safe and effective procedure. However, as with any surgery, there are potential risks and these may include the risk of infection, hematoma, adverse anesthesia reaction, nerve damage, and noticeable scarring.

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