Latest on Cosmetic Fillers
The latest buzz in the world of fillers: The newest filler on the market is Belotero Balance recently released by Merz Aesthetics. Belotero like, Juvederm, Restylane and Restylane Lyft, is a Hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is a viscous fluid found naturally between joints in our bodies. When injected into and under skin it adds volume to lips and cheeks and reduces wrinkles.
Belotero is less viscous or more liquid like than Juvederm so it is very nice for fine wrinkles and lips. On the other end of the spectrum is Restylane Lyft which is thicker, more viscous than Juvederm, Restylane or Belotero and is better placed deeper where you are looking for more volume, like cheeks.
At Weniger Plastic Surgery we carry all of the fillers approved by the FDA so we can tailor the best products to fit your specific needs.