I am completely flat-chested. Is it possible for me to get breast augmentation?
I am completely flat-chested. Is it possible for me to get breast augmentation? Are there any special considerations?
It is absolutely possible for you to get a breast augmentation, and I think that you would be thrilled with it. The only real special consideration is that you have to be careful about going too big in your situation, for a couple of reasons. Because of your anatomy, it is probably going to be hard for your tissues to support larger breasts because you probably do not have the anatomy along your inframammary fold underneath your breasts to support a heavy implant. Also, if you are young and have never been pregnant or breastfed, the skin is probably quite tight, and it is possible to get stretch marks from putting in implants to large. Finally, you need to consider the fact that any implant in you is going to look less natural than an implant in someone who already has some significant breast tissue. Certainly, it is going to feel less natural as well, and if that is important to you, I would strongly recommend a Silicone Implant.