How can I improve the appearance of my breasts?
Question: I am from Hilton Head and I have never been diagnosed with this, but I think I have tuberous breasts because mine developed into weird shape. Can this be improved with implants?
Answer: I have never really seen a statistic for the prevalence of tuberous breasts, but I think it is incredibly common, and there are many girls walking around with tuberous breasts, i.e. constricted lower pole deformities than we think. I have never really done the statistics, but I would bet that probably 10% of my patients have at least some mild form of tuberous breast deformity. This certainly can be improved with implants, although it takes a particular type of muscle dissection to really improve it without a lift. In the more severe cases, a lift with a scar around the areola is really required to give a good shape.
I am excited to tell you that this problem cannot only be improved with implants, but can be completely corrected into turning some very unusual breasts into really fantastic breasts, not just acceptable breasts.