How can I get rid of lip lines?

The absolute best treatment for vertical lines around the mouth is by far laser resurfacing.  The trade off with fantastic results is down time.  To “erase” lip lines with laser requires for most people at least 10 days before you are ready out without needing to explain “what happened. “If you don’t have down time there are other good options.  Retin A applied nightly is the corner stone for all wrinkle care and prevention.  In addition tissue growth factors like TNS cerimide by Skin Medica smooth and feed your lips.  Lastly, perfect for Valentines are lip fillers in the hyaluronic acid family like Juvaderm  and Restylane .  Returning your lips to their natural volume plumps the lips as well as the lines.  This month at Weniger Plastic Surgery with any lip filler you may receive a free facial!