Five Amazing Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery may not seem like a popular procedure, certainly not compared to breast augmentation. In reality, however, there are many women who are unhappy with their large breasts. For these women, life is painful, often limited, and even full of self-conscious moments all because their larger breasts are getting in the way and adding too much weight to their bodies. There are many reasons women seek breast reduction surgery; likewise, there are many benefits experienced by those who do opt for the procedure.

What Does Breast Reduction Surgery Involve?

Before we can talk about what benefits this procedure has, we should discuss just what it does. Breast reduction is performed in order to reduce the mass of the breasts. While it is most often an optional procedure women choose to solve their own discomfort and other issues, breast reduction can sometimes be recommended by a woman’s primary care physician as a means to ending chronic pain problems. Women who seek breast reduction surgeries are often top heavy, leading to strain on the back, neck, and shoulders, as well as trouble with balance. Sometimes other issues are affecting these women, such as rashes under the breasts, athletic and physical limitations, embarrassment or self-consciousness, social discomfort, and more.

The breast reduction procedure is performed differently for each patient based on the size, shape and other characteristics of the patient’s breasts. Most often, the procedure is performed using an incision that circles the areola, extends vertically down from the areola to beneath the breast, and then continues horizontally within the crease beneath the breast. Excess fat is then removed and the nipple and areola will be elevated to a more natural position. When the procedure is completed, your breasts will be smaller, lighter, and firmer, while still appearing natural and in better proportion to your body.

A breast reduction procedure can be performed on women of any age, once their breasts are fully developed. Women who feel like they are a good candidate for this procedure may have experienced the following:

  • Limited ability to participate in sports, games, recreational activities, and other athletics.
  • Constant pain in the lower back, neck, and shoulders.
  • Being top-heavy, with breasts that are not proportionate.
  • Uneven breasts, one significantly larger than the other.
  • Heavy-feeling breasts with nipples that point downward.
  • Feeling self-conscious about their large breasts.
  • Rashes and irritation on the skin beneath the breasts.
  • Permanent indentations on the tops of the shoulders from bra straps.
  • Trouble shopping in “regular” lingerie stores.
  • Wishing they had smaller breasts.

Experiencing any one of these issues could be an indicator that a breast reduction would help to improve your life, your health, and your own self-image. If you’re unhappy with the way you look because of your breasts or if you feel hindered in any way by them, make a consultation today with a plastic surgeon specializing in breast reduction surgery.

What Can Breast Reduction Do For You?

Once you understand the procedure and decide that you’re a good candidate for breast reduction, you’ll probably be curious to know what this procedure can really do to help you. Depending on which problems you’ve been experiencing, your results may vary but there are five amazing benefits that you are sure to experience.

1. No more limitations! With breasts proportional to your height and weight, you’ll feel freer than ever to participate in the activities you’ve always wanted to try. Resume that running regimen that was too painful with large breasts. Enjoy a pick-up game of kickball or basketball when the moment arrives. Swim a few laps in the pool without feeling slowed down by your breasts.

2. Say goodbye to your aches and pains! When your breasts are the right size for your body, you won’t feel that pulling sensation that comes with being top heavy. Your lower back, neck, and shoulders can all take a breather once you’ve lightened their load a little bit. You will most likely see a reduction in the rashes and irritation you get around your breasts as well, since they won’t be rubbing against the skin anymore.

3. Feel self-confident instead of self-conscious. While one plastic surgery is not a cure for all of the issues that can contribute to feeling self-conscious, a breast reduction surgery can certainly remove one of your biggest barriers to a happy self-image. Wear clothes you like without worrying how they will pull or stretch around your breasts. Have more confidence naked, without worrying about sagging breasts and downward-pointing nipples. You’ll feel great in a bathing suit top, just knowing it won’t pop off. Embrace your body’s changes and appreciate how good they make you feel; this will definitely boost your confidence levels!

4. Define yourself differently, not just as your breasts. Along with self-confidence, the way you look at yourself in the mirror will change too. When it’s not just breasts that you see, you’ll start to notice other features you have. Women with large breasts often define themselves as exactly that. With proportionate breasts, they are often forced to look at who they are and what else defines them. This could be a chance for you to learn more about yourself.

5. Shop in a “regular” store again. Say farewell to specialty lingerie shops and online retailers that sell cup sizes with every letter of the alphabet. If your goal is to get down to a size you can shop at your favorite stores, you’ll achieve it with a breast reduction. So get ready to throw away all those bigger bras and save up your money for the size you want to buy. Your plastic surgeon will work with you to determine what size is right for you and your body.

How Do I Reap These Benefits for Myself?

To enjoy the amazing benefits of breast reduction surgery, you must first carefully choose a plastic surgeon specializing in breast procedures who delivers proven results. An outstanding plastic surgeon in this field is Frederick G. Weniger, M.D., F.A.C.S., M.D., F.A.C.E., with offices located at 350 Fording Island Road, Suite 200, in Bluffton, South Carolina. He is board certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery and The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Weniger provide his patients with the tools they need to make a well-informed decision. If you’re considering a breast reduction procedure, get all the facts you need and learn what your specific options are for this surgery. Book your consultation by calling (843) 757-0123 today to get started with your own decision making process.